
1st place

11050 points


User Name Score
fzhshzh 11050


Challenge Category Value Time
[crypto]R-S-A 10月28日 150
[misc]Time to say good bye 10月28日 150
[misc]keyboard 10月28日 150
[crypto]coding_analyse 10月28日 150
[misc]hide_png 10月28日 100
[misc]ez_png 10月28日 100
[crypto]emoji 10月28日 100
[crypto]编码转换 10月28日 100
Find1 Forensics 200
内存取证题目 Forensics 150
suspicion Forensics 150
Injection infused with elemental power Web 100
I love Pure Station! Web 100
Binary Bomb Phase 6 Reverse 150
Binary Bomb Phase 5 Reverse 150
Binary Bomb Phase 4 Reverse 150
Binary Bomb Phase 3 Reverse 100
Binary Bomb Phase 2 Reverse 100
Binary Bomb Phase 1 Reverse 50
Baby swimmer Crypto 150
5 picks Crypto 150
Lost Key Crypto 150
Marathon Crypto 100
Di Dah Crypto 100
Easy Crypto 100
camouflaged Misc 150
whoami Misc 150
电力2 Misc 150
欧拉欧拉欧拉欧拉 Misc 150
backdoor Misc 150
radio Misc 150
USB Misc 150
SString Misc 150
misc1 Misc 150
SimpleRAR Misc 150
Plugged Misc 150
数据包取证 Misc 150
二维码画图 Misc 150
捕获黑客1 Misc 150
http_smtp Misc 150
nathan-on-osu Misc 100
normal_jpg Misc 100
Professor's Inheritance Misc 200
Raring Misc 200
Router port Misc 150
Secret Code Misc 150
ARMory Reverse 100
MusicalMath Reverse 100
内存读取 Forensics 100
strange_forensics Forensics 200
Fourier and CNN Crypto 100
CryptoGods Crypto 100
bits and pieces Crypto 100
aesy Crypto 50
Notoriously Tricky Login Mess Misc 150
lalala Misc 150
pingpong Misc 100
secret Misc 100
Dns Misc 100
ssPacket Misc 100
locked-out Misc 100
Game Invitation Misc 250
All-Along-the-Watchtower Misc 150
内存取证6 Forensics 50
内存取证5 Forensics 150
内存取证4 Forensics 100
内存取证3 Forensics 50
内存取证2 Forensics 100
内存取证1 Forensics 50
require-all-denied Web 100
logging4joy Web 100
mmmmm-rbs Web 50
Consent-N-Consent Web 50
Erased Misc 100
Phantasmagoria Misc 200
PasswordManager Reverse 100
FactCheck Reverse 100
Crushing Reverse 100
BoxCutter Reverse 50
LootStash Reverse 50
PackedAway Reverse 50
RSA III Crypto 100
Iced TEA Crypto 100
Blunt Crypto 100
Primary Knowledge Crypto 50
Makeshift Crypto 50
Dynastic Crypto 50
Matryoshka Misc 200
Data Siege Misc 150
Phreaky Misc 150
Fake Boost Misc 100
It Has Begun Misc 50
Urgent Misc 50